Kategorija Novice
20. – 22. 1. – MUN konferenca 19. – 26. 1. – Roditeljski sestanki 25. – 27. 1. – Odprti dan za devetošolce (po predhodnih prijavah) 2. 2. – Skupne govorilne ure
Zaprta šola
Šola bo med novoletnimi počitnicami (od 27. 12. 2022 do 2. 1. 2023) zaprta. Between 27th of December and 2th of January 2023 the school will be closed.
Razpored govorilnih ur/ Teachers’ contact hours
Razpored govorilnih ur 1. decembra ob 16.00 / Teachers’ contact hours on the 1th December at 4.pm
19. 12. – Lutkovna igrice za otroke 20. 12. – Narodna izmenjava – obisk dijakov iz II. gimnazije Maribor 22. 12. – Narodna izmenjava – obisk dijakov iz Gimnazije Koper 22., 23. 12. –...
Slovenian IB DP Schools’ meeting
On Wednesday the 16th of November 2022, our school attended the Slovenian IB DP Schools’ meeting, hosted by II. gimnazija Maribor. The meeting was an opportunity to meet colleagues and friends from other IB...
Razpored govorilnih ur/ Teachers’ contact hours
Razpored govorilnih ur 10. novembra ob 16.00 / Teachers’ contact hours on the 10th November at 4.pm
Jesenske počitnice/Autumn break
Šola bo med jesenskimi počitnicami (2. do 4. 11. 2022) zaprta. / Between 2th of November and 4th of November the school will be closed.