Rezultati mednarodne mature v spomladanskem roku 2020/ Results of the IB diploma May 2020 examination session
Na spomladanskem roku mednarodne mature 2020 je maturo opravljalo 43 dijakov Gimnazije Bežigrad, OE mednarodna šola. V MM oddelku je povprečno število doseženih točk 39,48 (od 45) in 12 zlatih maturantov. V Q oddelku je pri kandidatih, ki so opravljali polno diplomo, povprečno število doseženih točk 31, ena dijakinja tega oddelka je zlata maturantka. Med zlatimi maturanti je Pia Skok iz MM oddelka dosegla vseh 45 točk.
Gimnazija Bežigrad International School registered 43 students for May 2020 registration session and here is a summary of their results. In the MM class the average total points is 39,48 out of 45 and 12 students have been awarded the ‘zlati maturant’ distinction. In the Q class the average total points for diploma candidates is 31 points and one student has been awarded the ‘zlata maturantka’ distinction. Among the students who have been awarded the ‘zlati maturant’ distinction, Pia Skok of 4MM achieved full 45 points.