Prvi šolski dan
Drage dijakinje in dijaki, DOBRODOŠLI! S poukom pričnemo v sredo, 1. 9. 2021, po razporedu, ki je objavljen na intranetni strani, do katere dostopate s svojim uporabniškim imenom in geslom. Dijaki 1. letnika ste prejeli uporabniško ime in geslo ob vpisu.
Dear international school students, welcome to 2021/22 school year. School starts on Wednesday, 1 September 2021, at 8. 00 for first-year students and at 8. 50 for second-, third- and fourth-year students according to the schedule which you can access here. First-year students and all the new students will receive an email with information about the first day on Thursday, 26 August.