Samotestiranje dijakov na SARS-CoV-2/ Self-testing for Covid-19
Tudi v letošnjem šolskem letu potekalo samotestiranje. Teste lahko dijaki dvignejo v lekarnah po vsej Sloveniji in sicer s Kartico zdravstvenega zavarovanja (KZZ). Dijaki, ki so rojeni pred 1. 1. 2001 ter dijaki, ki nimajo KZZ zavarovanja, za izdajo testa v lekarni predložijo potrdilo o vpisu v šolo. Testi so za dijake brezplačni, vsakemu pa jih pripada 5 na mesec.
Self-testing continues in school year 2021/22. Students may pick up self-testing kits in any pharmacy in Slovenia by producing their Health insurance card (Kartica zdravstvenega zavarovanja). Students who do not hold this card should identify themselves with the certificate of enrolment in order to pick up the self-testing kit. The tests are free of charge and each student receives 5 tests per month.