Gimnazija Bežigrad na konferenci MUNLawS
Od 12. do 14. novembra 2021 so se dijaki naše šole udeležili MUNLawS konference, ki je največja slovenska prireditev te vrste. Naši delegati so sodelovali v Svetu za človekove pravice (HRC) in Varnostni svet (SC), kjer so debatirali o naslednjih vprašanjih: Človekove pravice v Afganistanu in regiji Xinjiang ter Državni udar v Mjanmaru in revizija Daytonskega sporazuma.
Predstavniki naše šole so bili zelo uspešni in osvojili nagrade za najboljšega delegata (Val Marušič), izjemnega delegata (Ana Dimitrijević), častno omembo (Polina Kaspranova) in bili razglašeni za najboljšo srednješolsko delegacijo.
From 12 to 14 November 2021, students from our school attended MUNLawS conference, the largest Slovenian competition of this kind. Our delegates participated in the Human Rights Council, where they debated the Human Rights Situation in Afghanistan and the Human Rights Situation in the Region of Xinjiang, as well as in the Security Council where they addressed the Coup d’État in Myanmar and revised the Dayton Agreement. Our delegation was very successful – in HRC Polina Kaspranova was awarded Honourable Mention and Ana Dimitrijević won the Outstanding Delegate award. In the Security Council Val Marušič was awarded the Best Delegate award and the delegation as a whole was proclaimed the Best High School Delegation.